Here is a site that explains "Presuming Competence."
An interesting quote from the above link spoke to me:
"If you want to see competence, it helps if you look for it."
–Douglas Biklen
My experience as a parent of a globally delayed child was that educators presumed his incompetence. How clearly I recollect pleading with his resource teacher (in Ontario) to challenge him more, not to allow his E.A. to mother him and to have him be more independent. Unfortunately his physical challenges and the fear of his falling promoted co-dependence. His father and I did challenge him and he did and does 'rise' to accept what is presented to him.
Reviewing the document reminds me of how well proloquo2Go supports this positive approach to learning and communicating. I am looking forward to using this program. Bill and I have already discussed what students, at our school, would certainly benefit from this.
"Be sure to acknowledge the presence of a person with a disability in the same way you would acknowledge others." Nothing drives me more crazy than when a person treats my son as if he were different because of his global delays. ALL Persons have feelings, desires, wants and needs and it is our 'job' as educators and for me, as a parent, to ensure that we meet those basic rights and recognize that they exist.
Love the next link. It is short and sweet, but packs a powerful message!
Convergence of Technology: It is 'mind-boggling' to me how much change has occurred in my lifetime and how quickly now the convergences take place. I think of my parents generation and applaud those who are on facebook, use internet banking, have a cell phone/iphone and the list could go on. It makes me think of Tina Simpkin on CTV Morning Live - she calls her grandmother "Techno Granny." That is awesome, because this lady, most likely, went from a party line phone, banking at a bank, paying her bills by mailing a cheque or paying cash, watching a black and white television and playing records on a player that was the size of a chest.
This picture depicts, a bit, of what I am writing about:

A cartoon on this subject:

Well one has possibly heard of Letterman's top 10, here is a link regarding the Top 10 Disruptive Technologies:
Ultimately it is all about communication. It is very important to remember the 3 aspects of effective communication: have a partner(s), joint attention and a common language. Also important, is to recognize and acknowledge different modes of communication - the convergence of and disruptive technologies has made this extremely more accessible to those who were once silent, but do not need to be anymore. We must not presume competence.
Different modes of communication are:
verbal interaction(s)
PECS (picture exchange communication system)
Go Talk
Text to Speech
Speech to Text
Social Networking: Facebook
This link provides a quick look:
Wikipedia also has an easy and comprehensive read:
I feel like I could go on and on, but I won't :) . I am looking forward to the next class and doing our assignment. Learning how to help students communicate in a meaningful way is exciting!