Wednesday, 7 November 2012

In lieu of class

Happy Halloween (belated) everyone,

#1   Proloquo2go follow up activity post:

Wanting to review "presuming competence" I explored another website. Check it out:

I decided to watch all three clips, they were short and offered a similar, but different approach.
I agreed with the mothers, learning support person and SLP's opinions that Proloquo2go changed the 3 children's lives. Not being able to communicate must be terrifying, at times, but also extremely frustrating. The video clips clearly showed what a difference this app made in these 3 children's lives, but for those around them too.

Ruby, an autistic girl, from Great Britain certainly spoke to the presuming competence issue. Once she had P2go to use she 'amazed' people with her knowledge that, before, she could not reveal to those around her. Ruby is now assessed on a National Curriculum Level(s). She used to hit out of frustration and that has drastically ceased, if not completely. Ruby is using her P2go at school, home and I presume everywhere. It was wonderful to observe her playing with another student and sharing (something she found difficult to do).

Max has cerebral palsy and uses his P2go at school. His SLP noted that he can spell independently and is less frustrated. Not sure if he uses it at home, but certainly seeing the joy on his face was wonderful to observe.

Nick is also autistic and his mother's recounting of his wanting pizza for supper was a special moment - he was being a typical kid. I remember when my son started walking at seven years old and quickly going through the developmental stages i.e. turning on and off the light switch - my husband and I were so excited, just like Nick's mom, because it was not expected to happen. :) many times over!

#2 Autism, the iPad and Appropriate Apps

I chose the 2 webinars on scheduling and sensory integration because of the students with ASD and for students who may 'just need' these apps due to anxiety or a variety of other reasons. I appreciated the list of apps and a description, along with the price. The webinars were very informative, easy to follow and useful for today's teacher. I will be utilizing the sensory integration tomorrow morning for a student - the timing of this was perfect!! Yeah! :) Can you feel my enthusiasm? Many students require transition times and a timed session with a variety of apps will help them manage their day. The students I am going to be using these apps for are not on IPP's, but need it to have a less stressful day. I also use the app pictured below when I'm feeling stressed and it works!

Pocket pond app photo (google images):

The scheduling webinar was very comprehensive, in that it covered many different types of schedules. Each student has their own uniqueness and the apps provided and discussed certainly can meet the individual needs in regards to scheduling. At this time the students on my caseload only need the class visual schedule, a common practice at my school. In the future I do see myself incorporating this support with students. Listening/watching the webinar I especially appreciated the high school example with the female student who was high functioning autism. I feel that sometimes we don't do enough for these students and that they may get 'overlooked' in regards to support. That simple app, added with a peer mentor made a huge difference for that high school student. Thank you Lindsay for providing this example.

The reminder app (found on google image):

To view these webinars and others, just go to this link. The webinars are free and the only request is to complete a quick survey upon completion:

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