Sunday, 4 November 2012

Proloquo2go: experience a whole new way to communicate!

On Wednesday, October 17th our class was thoroughly introduced to Proloquo2go!

Bill and I partnered up for assignment #1 and as we explored the program we couldn't help ourselves - we digressed onto students at our school who could or will eventually benefit from this app.
We did 'map out' our case study and felt ready for the next week: putting our new app to the task of programming a new way for Christian (our case study) to better communicate with his world.

Our focus was on Christian's needs, wants, knowledge of his interests and information transfer. I found myself having to remember to include social closeness and etiquette - a very important component in communication. Doing the groundwork first, prior to using the app, proved to be a good thing!

"Proloquo, which means “speak out loud” in Latin and was created by AssistiveWare in April 2009" and the following link, where I copied and pasted the origin of the word, was an interesting read:

The short video clip, included in the article, had a touching testimony re: having childrens' voices.

I found this picture on google image and added it here to show how unintrusive this communication device can be and how 'normal' it looks.

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