Tuesday, 13 November 2012

A Time To Explore!

I really enjoyed Nov. 7th class - as I have enjoyed the others, but this time we received the opportunity to explore our iPads and the many apps. During my work day, as a classroom and resource teacher, I rarely have the time to explore and learn. I loved having the time last Wednesday and I felt a bit more proficient with this technology. Thanks Barb - the time provided was a gift!

I'm finding this assignment very relevant to the classroom today. There are so many needs and we need to look at how we present tasks with a new lens. I'm looking forward to 'working through' this assignment.

The following quote is from the article
 sent to us:
Harnessing the Potential of Technology
to Support the Academic Success of
Diverse Students
Dave Edyburn

"Efforts to enhance the success of twenty-first-century learners will require
a fundamental shift in thinking about, and responding to, learner differences.
Rose and Meyer (2002) argue that we should not think about students as being
disabled, but rather consider the curriculum disabled, as it poses barriers to
access, engagement, and success. Tomlinson (2004) recommends thinking
about learning differences as a Mobius strip: a continuum of knowledge and
skills with no clear demarcation on the journey from the starting point as
novice and the end point as expert." Page 38.

Rose and Meyer, Tomlinson all wrote about this in 2002 and 2004. I graduated with my education degree in 2009 and do not recall having this perspective discussed. It is a very interesting approach. When I continued reading the article it reminded me of how I inquired as to whether or not our school has a cable to connect an iPad to our LCD's? This way we meet all of our learner's needs in an inclusive setting. As the article stated the "one size fits all" classroom is gone and the sooner we accept that - the better we will teach ALL learners.

The following statement is one I am not sure I agree with:
"Unfortunately, purchasing more digital whiteboards
is not likely to have the same impact as purchasing netbooks. Therefore,
administrators are advised to encourage initiatives on the learning side of
the teaching and learning equation."

I love using the smartboard, as do my students. I have been able to differentiate my instruction for its use and it allows students a break from pen and paper (traditional) and it is often a collaborative approach. I also feel it 'enhances their learning', not just 'enhancing my teaching.' I think, referring to the above quote, that both netbooks, iPads and smartboards have their place in a learning environment. I also recognize that schools and boards have diminishing budgets and that administrators do have to examine where the 'better learning' takes place.

The discussion on security versus learning makes me appreciate that our board recognized the importance for teachers to have access to youtube etc., but not the students. I have designed lessons based on youtube videos that have engaged the students and met them in 'their world.' This accomodation has been proactive and definitely used. I appreciated the closing statement:
"Such efforts must be considered strategic investments in the success of all students."


  1. Your comments are valuable Ann. Thanks ! keep them coming. The Smart Board is such an engaging tool. Thanks for sharing

  2. Love your post Ann. Great quote!!

  3. Well said Ann! One classroom doesn't fit all, nor does one type of technology fit all! Students are divers, classrooms are diverse and the way we teach needs to be divers.

    At CAMS I encourage teachers to use as many methods and tools as possible to meet all learning needs. It is common to walk into a classroom and see computers, smart boards, net books, iPods, iPads and even the dreaded cell phone being used to enhance learning. Teaching isn't just pen and paper anymore.

    The SSRSB is very advanced when it comes to meeting students where they are at and providing them the tools and skills they will require in the future. Let's just hope that the DOE catches up and makes it easier for Boards and Teachers to do their job.
