Sunday, 16 December 2012

My Final Words: A course overview

My AT Wordle

This course has increased my confidence in utilizing iPads and apps for my students.

The key phrases, in my opinion, learned are UDL, presumed competence and MPT. To be an effective educator, today, one must immerse themselves into this language and execute their meanings.

Presuming competence! The video was enlightening, made me reflect and since it was my second time seeing it, caused more of a reaction for me as a resource teacher and parent.

Here is a site that explains "Presuming Competence."

An interesting quote from the above link spoke to me:
"If you want to see competence, it helps if you look for it."
–Douglas Biklen

Universal Design of Learning! 

This a quick and easy read that provides an excellent overview of UDL.

Barb, I totally understood  your frustration regarding a paper handout. Though, I must admit, as a classroom teacher I have probably committed the same 'faux pas.'  Your course has opened my eyes, or I could say changed my lens. I was certainly cognizant of my students' various needs, and I tried to meet them, but now I will be able to do much more and with an increased level of competence and, as mentioned before, with more confidence - Thanks!


Wikipedia has a brief overview:

The case studies presented gave us an excellent overview of MPT in practice. I was so nervous, at first, when I started my case study, but once into it and working closely with Jaden - I was hooked!
I have used apps in my classroom work and the students loved it! Learning, while engaged - it is so awesome to be the facilitator of this type of learning. The Hebbville students clearly demonstrated this.   

My closing statement: what I have learned throughout this course will stay with me. I know I have classmates that I can contact and 'pick their brains,' but I know that you, Barb, and Anita are just a quick email or phone call away. Your support and the knowledge that I have obtained from this course has been invaluable. Thank you!

The following quote applies to this course:


  • Facilitating involves a concentrated effort by the teacher to gradually release students to learn on their own. This does not mean that the teacher hands out a worksheet or tells the kids to read the chapter and answer the questions at the end. Rather, the teacher shows children how to do something, whether it be a math problem, scientific research or reading skills. Then they practice the skill with them and observe while they apply what they have learned. If the teacher is the sole source of information, students will not develop independent learning habits essential either in school or in life.

I have just realized this evening that my many comments have somehow not been published. :(
All of you have posted marvelous blogs and I am sorry that you have not been able to read my comments. Not sure what I did wrong, but obviously - something is amiss.

I will miss my classmates and I wish each and everyone of you a joyous, peace filled Christmas!

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