Wednesday, 5 December 2012

The apps that keep on WOWing!

Our last class was fabulous! We presented assignment #2: taking a teacher handout and making it accessible for all students.

Bill and I gave our presentation a little twist and gave many options for students to choose from for their monthly book report presentations. The neat part, was that the teacher really liked our app options and plans on using them for her students.

The whole exercise really tied us into UDL - here is a link, if anyone needs a quick refresher:

Pic Collage came out as a top favourite with many, as did scan and type to pdf.

I really liked the 'cuteness' of puppet pals, which is a free app and can see students really enjoying this app - also it is a great addition for the presentation that Bill and I did.


I really enjoyed hearing about Bone Scan Bob and how it was used at a high school. Skeletal anatomy was also a useful app with its 3D quiz and assessment tool.

I found this evening to be interesting, engaging and very useful! Thank you fellow colleagues/classmates!

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